National Country Symbols Of Faroe Islands

National Country Symbols Of Faroe Islands
Introduction:Faroe Islands
The population of the Faroe Islands is largely descended from Viking settlers who arrived in the 9th century. The islands have been connected politically to Denmark since the 14th century. A high degree of self government was granted the Faroese in 1948, who have autonomy over most internal affairs while Denmark is responsible for justice, defense, and foreign affairs. The Faroe Islands are not part of the European Union.


National Map Of Faroe Islands
National Flag Of Faroe Islands
Flag Description:
white with a red cross outlined in blue extending to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted toward the hoist side in the style of the Dannebrog (Danish flag); referred to as Merkid, meaning “the banner” or “the mark,” the flag resembles those of neighboring Iceland and Norway, and uses the same three colors – but in a different sequence; white represents the clear Faroese sky as well as the foam of the waves; red and blue are traditional Faroese colors
National Emblem(Coat Of Arms) Of Faroe Islands
National Anthem Of Faroe Islands
 National Anthem Style:    Mp3 
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